Sunday, June 12, 2011

Are Foods that Burn Fat for Real?

If you’ve ever tried you know it’s no easy task. Many people have tried using pills that boast about being able to burn-fat faster or increasing your metabolism. However, the best way to alter your lifestyle is through diet and . In this case, diet does not mean a strict regime that you impose on your body for a set period of time until you reach your weight goal. A diet is truly your everyday eating pattern and behaviors. Thus, opposed to consuming “fat-burning” pills, people can add certain foods to their diet that are known to increase metabolism and therefore .

The concept is actually quite simple. After eating, your body’s usually increase (depending on what foods you eat). Some foods make your insulin levels spike up so high that it triggers the response to store fat. This is what you DON’T want! Aside from just the fact that storing fat is not ideal, when your body begins to store fat the metabolism is lowered and fewer calories are burned throughout the day. So, to counteract this natural body function it makes sense to eat foods that keep insulin levels low after eating and keep metabolism high.

These are the top foods known to boost metabolism and burn fat:

  • Salmon – Given it’s richness in Omega-3 Amino Fatty Acids which cause increased metabolism, this meat option is great to increase fat burn.
  • Green tea – The antioxidant present, known as EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) stimulates the brain and nervous system. As these systems are stimulated it causes the body to burn more fat as more energy is needed.
  • Milk (preferably skim) – Contains a high amount of calcium which is known to increase metabolism and calories burned.
  • Edamame-soy beans that are boiled and salted contain high amount of protein, , iron, and calcium. The combination of this super food helps to increase metabolism faster than other beans out there!
  • Broccoli – a super food that doesn’t seem to get nearly as much attention as it’s worthy of. This vegetable is packed with many nutrients, including calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. Three of which, calcium, fiber, and Vit C, contribute to burning fat and increasing metabolism.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome to Burn Fat Fast 2011

Starting in 2011, we're going to be giving you some of the very best fat burning tips available. Scouring the Internet (using the Mighty Google Search Engine) we plan to give you the information you need to lose fat and keep the pounds from coming back. Ready to start your healthy new lifestyle? Great!